LINDEN-metro aims to maintain and continuously improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System in accordance with ABNT NBR ISO IEC 17025: 2017. It seeks to provide high-level metrological services, with adequate resources, documented procedures and a safety-conscious and competent staff, well trained to meet the requests and needs of users and maintain the safety, impartiality and confidentiality of the results obtained.
The laboratory has three instruments used for particle sizing and other analysis. Before requesting any analysis, we recommend reading the Laboratory’s Terms of Use, which explains how LINDEN-metro operates.
Analysis scheduling is made according to the technicians’ availability. Click here to see their work schedule.
Particle Size Distribution and Zeta Potential
MALVERN Zetasizer Nanosizer (0,3 nm – 10 μm)
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) with 173°
ISO 22412:2017 Particle size analysis – Dynamic light scattering (DLS)
Technical Specifications
Request Form [available in English soon]
Particle Size Distribution and Zeta Potential
PARTICLE METRIX and Microtract Stabino-Nanoflex (0,8 nm – 6,5 μm)
Dynamic Light Scattering (DLS) with 180°
ISO 22412:2017 Particle size analysis – Dynamic light scattering (DLS)
Technical Specifications
Schedule |
Stability and Particle Size Distribution
LUM Lumisizer (10 nm – 100 μm)
Centrifugal liquid sedimentation (200 – 4000 rpm)
ISO 13318-2:2007 Determination of PSD by centrifugal liquid sedimentation methods – Part 2: Photocentrifuge method
Technical Specifications
Request Form |
Qualitative and Quantitative Phase Analysis of Polycrystalline Materials
Rigaku MiniFlex600 DRX
X-Ray Diffractometer (3 ~ 140º – 0.01 ~ 100º/min)
Technical Specifications
Request Form
All first requests must be made by filling in the request form for each instrument.